Saturday, April 18, 2009

You can start your own Typing Service Business

You can start your own typing service, and it's not that hard to learn how to type, if you don't know how, you can easily go to your local library and check out items their. The Navy used to teach it's typing personnel how to type by watching a movie in the dark. You can start your own typing service business and make money supplying a service others might need you do. People might have all kinds of things that need to be typed up, reports, books, letters, wills, etc...and don't know how to type, or don’t have the time or desire. A typing service could include more than just basic typing.
If you have a little bit of computer experience knowledge, you could include graphics from the internet, you could type up menus for restaurants, delis, coffee shops, etc…You could type up your own flier, and pass it out to coffee houses, college campuses, high schools, book clubs, etc...You could have a nice sign made up and put on your car, telling about your typing service. You can also start your own transcribing and court transcript typing service, as lots of local governments now hire out their typing service sometimes.

You can also get most all of my books as digital downloads for only $2.99!

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